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Basic Korean Grammar7

Learning Korean Grammar(5-1) - Honorific Expressions Due to the influence of Confucian thought in Korea, it is normal to use honorific and humble forms based on age, relationships and social distance. (1) Honoring the Subject of the Sentence When the subject of a sentence is older than the speaker, Honorifics are used. To honor the subject, ~(으)시 is added to the stems of adjectives and verbs. For verb stems ending in a vowel, ~시 is added, and for .. 2022. 9. 30.
Learning Korean Grammar(5-2) - Honorific Expressions (3) Other Honorifics ①By adding ~(으)시 to the verb stem, some honorific forms are not be made. In that case, different verb form is used together. Base Form Honorific Form Base Form Honorific Form 가다 (to go) 가시다 죽다 (to die) 돌아가시다 오다 (to come) 오시다 있다 (to exist) 계시다 하다 (to do) 하시다 있다 (to have) 있으시다 ex1) 선생님은 교실에 있으세요. The teacher is in the class room. 주말에 약속 있으세요? Do you have any scheudle in the we.. 2022. 9. 30.
Learning Korean Grammar(4-2) - Sentence Types (2) Interrogative Sentence When asking a question, interrogative Sentences are used. ① Formal Polite Style Interrogative formal polite sentences are made by adding ~(스)ㅂ니까? to the word stem. -교회에 갑니까? Do you go to church. -밥을 먹습니까? Do you eat rice? ② Informal Polite Style By adding ~아/어요? to the word stem, Interrogative informal polite sentences are made . They have the same form with declarativ.. 2022. 9. 29.
Learning Korean Grammar(4-1) - Sentence Types Korean has four main sentence types : declarative, interrogative, imperative, and pro-positive. Moreover, the sentence type is influenced by Korean speech styles, which can be divided into three main types: formal polite, informal polite, and informal plain. The formal polite style ~(스)ㅂ니다 is used most in formal or public situations, including the military, news reporting, presentations, meeting.. 2022. 9. 29.