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Basic Korean Grammar

Learning Korean Grammar(5-2) - Honorific Expressions

by K-dobi 2022. 9. 30.

(3) Other Honorifics

①By adding ~(으)시 to the verb stem, some honorific forms are not be made. In that case, different verb form is used together.


Base Form Honorific Form Base Form Honorific Form
가다 (to go) 가시다 죽다 (to die) 돌아가시다
오다 (to come) 오시다 있다 (to exist) 계시다
하다 (to do) 하시다 있다 (to have) 있으시다


선생님은 교실에 있으세요. The teacher is in the class room.

주말에 약속 있으세요? Do you have any scheudle in the weekend?


②Some nouns have honorific counterparts.

Base Form Honorific Form Base Form Honorific Form
이름 (name) 성함 말 (words) 말씀
생일 (birthday) 생신 사람 (person)



그 분은 누구 십니까? Who is the person?

사장님 성함은 David 입니다. The president's name is David.


③ After people nouns, Honorific particles could be used.

이/가 -> 께서

에게(한테) -> 께



고양이가 물을 마신다. The cat drinks some water.

어머니께서 물을 마십니다. My mather drinks some water.

고양이한테 물을 줍니다. I give some water to the cat.

어머니께 물을 드립니다. I give some water to my mather.


④ Nouns designating persons can be made honorific by adding the suffix ~님.


Base Form Honorific Form Base Form Honorific Form
사장 (president) 사장님 선생 (teacher) 선생님
교수 (professor) 교수님 목사 (pastor) 목사님




