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Basic Korean Grammar

Learning Korean Grammar(4-2) - Sentence Types

by K-dobi 2022. 9. 29.

(2) Interrogative Sentence
When asking a question, interrogative Sentences are used.
① Formal Polite Style
Interrogative formal polite sentences are made by adding ~(스)ㅂ니까? to the word stem.
-교회에 갑니까? Do you go to church.
-밥을 먹습니까? Do you eat rice?

② Informal Polite Style
By adding ~아/어요? to the word stem, Interrogative informal polite sentences are made . They have the same form with declarative sentences, they are made interrogative by being spoken with a rising intonation at the end of the sentence (and also by adding a question mark to the written form).

-교회에 가요? Do you go to church?
-밥을 먹어요? Do you eat rice?

(3) Imperative Sentence
Imperative Sentences are used when making a demand or giving advice.
① Formal Polite Style
By adding ~(으)십시오 to the word stem, Imperative formal polite sentences are made .
-책에 쓰십시오. Please write in your book.
-신문을 읽으십시오. Please read the newspaper

② Informal Polite Style
By adding ~아/어요 to the word stem, Imperative informal polite sentences can be made, same as in the other sentence types described above. However, using ~(으)세요 in place of ~아/어요 is considered a more polite expression, and therefore ~(으)세요 should be used.
-책에 쓰세요. Please write in your book.
-신문을 읽으세요. Please read the newspaper

(4) Propositive Sentence
When making a suggestion or agreeing with someone else’s suggestion, Propositive Sentences are used
① Formal Polite Style
By adding ~(으)ㅂ시다 to the word stem, Propositive formal polite sentences are made.
~(으)ㅂ시다 can be used when the person being spoken to is younger or the same age as the speaker. Speaking to a superior is not good. It is considered improper etiquette to use this to a older or superior.

-회의를 합시다. Let's have a meeting.
-내일 파티를 합시다. Let's have a party tomorrow

② Informal Polite Style
Propositive informal polite sentences are made by adding ~아/어요, just like in the other sentence types described above.

-회의를 해요. Let's have a meeting.
-내일 파티 해요. Let's have a party tomorrow

The preceeding sentence types are summarized below using the verb 먹다 (to eat).

  Formal Polite Style Informal Polite Style
Declarative 먹습니다 먹어요. I eat or I am eating.
Interrogative 먹습니까? 먹어요? Shll we eat?
Imperative 먹으세요. 먹으세요. Eat!
Propositive 먹읍시다. 먹어요. Let's eat

